
Thursday 17 July 2014

Gemstones therapy for diseases

Ayurveda mentions Mani (Gemstones) , Mantra and Medicine are all useful to cure disease and to maintain sound health. As per Ayurveda there are seven elements in body that maintain good health and are cause of growth of body and different disease. The seven planets Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn controls these seven elements. Almost all the gems have some kind of medicinal properties. But the gems that belong to Navratna Category are famous for their medicinal properties as well besides their divine virtues. Treatment of a particular disease with the help of a gemstone is known as Gems Therapy or Gemopathy.
Ruby - Gemstone increases vitality of the body and builds immune power of the body system. It has positive effect on Heart and it reduces the chances of back pain, eye trouble, and fire accident, gastric and peptic ulcer. 

Pearl - Gemstone has effect on mind and it controls the mental disease such as insomnia, poor memory. It gives peace of mind. It controls the disease of lungs, breast, heart, diabetes, piles, diarrhea, deficiency of calcium. Pearl is useful for ladies as it increases the luster of face and increase the strength of sex. It makes their conjugal life happy. 

Red Coral - Gemstone controls the aggressive behaviour of individual. It may protect from accidents, injuries and wounds. It has good effects on control of menstrual disorders, reduce the chance of miscarriage and make safe delivery. 

Emerald - Gemstone increases brain power, intelligence, reasoning ability, communication skill, and speech power. It helps control passion and sexual desires. It can be used to control trouble related to asthma, skin disease, and bronchitis.

Yellow Sapphire - Gemstone controls the functioning of lever, jaundice, anemia, blood pressure and gastric trouble, fever.

Diamond - Gemstone has good effects on the private parts and sex organs. It cures sexual weakness, kidney trouble and diabetes. 

Blue Sapphire - Gemstone has positive effects on the nervous system and joint disorder and controls gastric trouble, gout, arthritis, heart trouble, asthma and legs pain.It increases stamina. It improves the fertility of barren women.

Hessonite (Gomed) - Gemstone controls indigestion, skin disease, insomnia, hysteria, snakebite, , blood poisoning. It also cures undiagnosed diseases. 

Catseye - Gemstone is hot in nature and cures paralysis, mania, blood poisoning, malignant disease and undiagnosed diseases. 

Note - It is strongly recommended to use these gemstones after consulting a learned Vedic astrologer to re-check the planetary influences of these gemstones on the patient according to his/her

Saturday 28 June 2014

Introduction To Astrology

Introduction To Astrology

Astrology is the knowledge of relationships based on a study of planetary influences, on man and his environment. It includes the entire galaxy and is true of the planetary bodies. Their radiations affect each other, including the earth and all the things on it. There is no doubt that Sun has the greatest influence on the life on earth.                                          Without it there would be no life, for without it there would be no warmth, no division into day and night, no cycle of time, no plantations and no season, and no life at all. The influence of Sun is clear and easy to see. The influence of Moon on the other hand, is more subtle, though no less definite.                                          There are many ways in which the influence of Moon manifests itself on earth, human, plant and animal life. It is well known fact that large movement of water on earth, that is the flow of tides, is caused by Moon.Human body, too, which consists of 70% water, falls within the scope of lunar influence. The menstrual cycle of many women correspond to the lunar month; the human period of pregnancy is 273 days, or equal to nine lunar months. Many a mental illness, suicides etc. have been noted to increase during periods of lunar activity. Agriculturists have established that the Moon has a distinct influence on crops, which explains why for centuries people have planted according to the movement of Moon. Migratory birds depart only at or near the time of full Moon. Just as certain fish, eels in particular, move in accordance with certain phase of the Moon.                                          It is been Established in physical sciences that everything in the Universe has an effect on everything else, and it is useful to know that this is also true about the various constellations and planets in the visible heaven.

Sunday 13 April 2014

Ayurveda, Yoga, Yagya, Meditation, Ratna Dharana and Donation

Parmahansa Yagananda explained that the resonance of all thoughts, actions and deeds is recorded in our chakras. At death these recordings leave our electrical astral body and reincarnate much later at the time of conception. The Time, Place, Family, Health and other circumstances (which plays a very major role in the new life) that we are born with again in this world depends on the kind of Karmas we performed in the previous life. The planets merely act as electro-magnetic stimuli that catalyse the karmic returns by activating a resonance in the chakras. To improve and strengthen ones Karmic matrix in the present life one should do the following remedies –
1/. Meditation – Chanting of Vedic mantras
2/. Yoga – Ancient technique of doing physical posture exercises.
3/. Ayurvedic Aushadha – Medicines made out of natural herbs and other sources.
4/. Yagyas – Form of Vedic planetary prayers.
5/. Donation – Charity in the form of Cash or Kind to poor and needy.
6/. Ratnas – Wearing natural gemstones on our body according to the Ancient Vedic
7/. And the most important one – One should regularly pray to the Almighty, he should be content, humane, kind, and generous and avoidance of anger, pride, greed, cheating, envy and deep involvement in sensual pleasures also help

Blue Sapphire in Vedic Astrology

Blue Sapphire is considered the most dreaded stone in Vedic Astrology. And perhaps the most misunderstood also. Blue Sapphire gives strong and extreme results. It represents Planet Shani and Planet Shani is the judgement planet in Vedic Astrology, so it judges our lives according to its placement in our horoscope charts during its maha-dasha and antar-dasha periods. But it is not to be scared of always, as it does not give negative results only. In fact many people have had the best career, finance, health and relationship achievements of their lives during their Shani Dasha. According to Vedic texts if genuine Vedic Remedies are followed (like Ratna dharana, Yagyas, Mantras and Pujas) we can reduce the negative effects of Shani Dasha and can enhance the positive effects in our lives tremendously. For genuine Vedic Astro-remedies advice and authentic Jyotish Approved gemstones

Saturday 29 March 2014

Cheap and treated Gemstones cause of failure in Gems therapy

Now-a- days the market is flooded with cheap priced gemstones, these gemstones are cheap priced not because these gemstones sellers are wholesalers or bulk dealers but because these gems are very poor quality (But enhanced in their look and appearance with the help of various chemical treatments and enhancements) and people get attracted and duped due to their cheap prices. But, when these gemstones become in-effective (because only 100% natural, without any treatments’ gemstones have Jyotish planetary powers in them) and do not show any astrological effects then people start losing the faith in this ancient divine healing science of Vedic Astrology.
It has become VERY difficult in today’s time to get GENUINE Vedic gemstones at GENUINE prices. Kindly compare and buy gemstones certified by Govt. Labs or Internationally (Having world repute like GIA, IGI, GII, AGS, GRS, Etc.) Acclaimed labs only (Clearly stating if the gemstones have been through any treatments or not).
Jyotish standard (Astrologically Effective) gems are Nature’s (The Almighty’s) most divine gift to mankind (which have the powers to HEAL our DESTINY) and these kind of gemstones are RARE in nature. So kindly be careful, if you are getting these JYOTISH gemstones at very cheap prices. For Genuine Vedic Gemstones at Most Reasonable and GENUINE prices

An article on treated gemstones by Sunday Guardian -

Wednesday 26 March 2014

90% of the Emeralds sold today in the Market are not Astrologically Approved

90% of the emeralds being sold in the market today are not astrologically effective. Astrologically effective Emeralds should have a certain level of transpirancy (100% clean Emeralds are often fake or extremely rare and expensive) , should be free from certain kinds of flaws (as mentioned in the ancient sacred Vedic texts on gems healing) and should be 100% natural (no treatments), purified and energised with the Vedic planetary mantras and rituals make them even more effective.   
                           For genuine and effective astrological gemstones at genuine prices visit the oldest and the most trusted name for Vedic Planetary Astro approved

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